BDSM Radio Holland

09 july 2008

I’m hooked on S&M sex orgies...but Nazis really turn me off

MOTOR racing boss Max Mosley yesterday admitted to a court he was hooked on kinky sex - but insisted Nazis were a turn-off.

Mosley, 68, who is suing over loss of privacy after he was filmed in an orgy with hookers, told how he was interested in S&M from a young age.
He said he got a “thrill” out of being spanked by scantily clad prostitutes and beating them, insisting it was “a perfectly harmless activity”.

Formula 1 boss Mosley - son of the British Fascist leader Sir Oswald - said he could think of few things as “unerotic” to him as Nazis.

He also said Jean, his wife of 48 years, knew nothing of his fetish.

Mosley was speaking at the start of his court action against the News of the World, who claimed he took part in a Nazi-themed S&M session.

Speaking in a firm voice, Mosley admitted the orgy in which he acted the part of a prison guard.

Some of the prostitutes were dressed as German soldiers in peaked caps while others wore striped uniforms, the court heard.

A tape recording of the orgy was played at London’s High Court.
The prostitutes speak mainly in German on the tape, but one can be heard saying: “We are the Aryan race - blonde.”

Nazis believed they were part of an Aryan “master race”.

Counsel Mark Warby QC asked Mosley whether he had not then realised some participants thought the session had a Nazi theme.

But he said: “Not at all. It certainly doesn’t jump out at me and make me think ‘Oh’ - aghast it’s Nazi.”

He said he was a little deaf and added: “To be honest I don’t recall it being said at the time.”

The father of two insisted it never occurred to him the orgy could be seen that way.

He said: “It never crossed my mind at all that anyone would see anything Nazi in it.”

Mosley, president of the Federation Internationale de L’Automobile, said he had planned the session with a prostitute known only as Woman A a few weeks before.


He said they had discussed having a “prison scenario” with girls dressed as guards or inmates.

The theme was German only because he had previously met another prostitute who took part, known as Woman B, who spoke the language fluently, he insisted.
Mosley told the court: “If she had been Russian it would have been a Russian scenario.
“That was the only reason it was a German theme. There was no sort of Nazi nonsense at all. We were having a German scenario following the German conversation.”

He said he later learned that another hooker, identified as Woman D, had a fantasy “about being interrogated by a foreign entity”.

Mosley said he had left it to Woman A to organise the session and she brought in the German and prison uniforms.

He added: “They were joke uniforms from a joke shop. That same joke shop has a whole Nazi page but we didn’t get the uniforms from there.”
Talking about a part of the video where a “guard” shaves the head of a “prisoner”, he said: “During the shaving I was shaking with laughter and trying not to let the ladies realise I was laughing, but it was almost impossible not to do so.”

Mosley also told the court of how his family’s links with fascism had affected him.

He admitted yesterday: “All my life I have had hanging over me my parents, and the last thing I want to do in some sexual context is to be reminded of that. I have never considered my parents as Nazis - but obviously there is a link.”

He said the prostitutes had “probably never heard” of his father.

Mosley said of his wife: “She never knew of this aspect of my life, so that headline in the newspaper was completely, totally devastating for her and there is nothing I can say that can ever repair that.”

He said he could think of “nothing more undignified or humiliating” for his sons than seeing pictures of him like the ones published in March
Telling of his interest in S&M, he said he enjoyed a “high degree of violence”, but sessions were always “safe” and never went too far.

He said of spanking the hookers: “In our world that is exciting - it turns them on.”


Mosley said he had often taken part in sessions for which he paid £500 per girl. But he added: “It’s not anything illegal or immoral.”
He is seeking massive damages from the newspaper, claiming it acted like a “Peeping Tom” by video-taping the session at a flat in Chelsea, West London, in February.

Lawyers for the News of the World insisted the story was in the public interest.

Mr Warby said: “Sadomasochistic cruelty is contrary to civilised values and corrupting of those involved.”

The case continues.