BDSM Radio Holland

28 oct 2008

Cries the ketchup
bottle: 'Smack me'

Stickers featuring bottoms on the bottoms of bottles

Source: Media Life Magazine - USA

If you're sort of a kinky store going by the name Dressing for Pleasure and you cater to the BDSM (bondage, dominance and such) crowd, you face some real challenges when it comes to getting your point across to potential customers in a fun way that turns them on, not off.

Money's an issue too.

So the company with a boutique store in Montclair, N.J., turned to JWT in New York, which came up with a campaign that had BSDM written all over it, literally: stickers for the bottoms of ketchup bottles featuring the bottoms of scantily-clad models, men and women, with catchy phrases like “Hit it again” and “Give it a good smack.”

Also on the stickers was the store’s name and web site.

“The idea originated from hitting the bottom of a drink to shake it up, and we were like, ‘That’s it!” says Adam Noel, a JWT copywriter who worked on the campaign. “And then we thought it’d work even better with ketchup bottles.”

Now came the challenge of finding restaurants to place the bottles in, says Noel.

“A lot of places where you find glass ketchup bottles are family places, but we had to find 21-and-over places,” he says. JWT ended up tracking down a number of venues in the New York-New Jersey area that fit the bill.

“A lot of the places had construction lunch crowds and happy-hour crowds, so it was perfect,” Noel says. The stickers first went out back in April and have helped increase traffic to Dressing for Pleasure’s web site.