BDSM RTV Holland

23 december 2008

Bondage party cops 'unfairly punished'

Source: Ninemsn - Sydney,New South Wales,Australia

A woman who posed scantily clad in a photograph with an on-duty police officer at the Northern Territory Hookers Ball says the cops are being unfairly punished.

Two officers were stood down from operational duties last week after the NT News published pictures of them touching backsides and simulating sex with women.

The photos were taken at the Hookers Ball in Darwin - an event which promotes itself as "a night of bondage beds, fantasy, latex, porn stars and erotic dancers".

Ms Fox - who wears lace lingerie, a red midriff and bunny ears in a photograph with one of the officers - said authorities acted too harshly after the snaps were discovered.

"I don't think they've done anything wrong … we didn't really give him much of a choice," Ms Fox was quoted in the NT News as saying.
"I just stood next to him while my friend took the photo.

"He was very professional and always made sure he didn't make any physical contact.

"It has been blown way out of proportion."

The officers, who were patrolling the premises as part of a crackdown on drunken violence, had a hard job to do, Ms Fox said.

Meanwhile, the other women snapped with the police are auctioning off their "uniforms" on eBay.

A fireman's hat and a pair of bunny ears have already received one bid of $20.

The items will be autographed by the girl's who wore them, the description on the auction says.

Twenty per cent of the money raised will go to a Darwin based charity.

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